Conflict Resolution Video

Video Transcript

Resolve conflict effectively by treating everybody involved with respect.

Conflict is something we've all seen and heard at some point in our lives – and likely taken part in, too! Where there are people, there's a risk of conflict.

Ultimately this is because we're all different – we have different opinions, values and ideas.

Sometimes conflict is good – it may even lead to a deeper understanding of one another.

But, left unchecked, it can cause feelings to fester, morale to drop, and relationships to break down.

To learn about the different types of workplace conflict that can arise, as well as what you can do to resolve it effectively, watch the full video by joining the Mind Tools Club today.

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Comments (13)
  • Over a month ago Dianna wrote
    Well said! Diversity yields greatness so we need to learn to appreciate our differences.

    Have you found that your positive example has influenced people around you?

  • Over a month ago mariadelmar wrote
    What do you do when people disagree with your ideas
    I don't look at other coworkers as confronters as much as partners in an argument where their input, as long it is shared with professionalism, has the same value as my own and needs to be respected, within the right perspective, considering the rank or position of responsibility. Without arguments and diversity of opinions situations became stagnant and there is no growth. The ability to engage in positive communication and to see different perspectives allows a dynamic participation and natural compromised towards a shared outcome.
    It is always helpful to set yourself aside from a problem, to take an objective approach independently from personal emotions, and mind map the problem to be able to analyze it effectively with the purpose to have a line of action and a way to evaluate the progress.
  • Over a month ago rtab wrote

    One thing that I have learnt about myself is that I am not comfortable being in conflict with someone (is anyone?!). And I either avoid or accommodate. Now I feel that I have to get to a position where I am comfortable to be in disagreement and conflict with someone and able to communicate and come to a negotiated solution. I guess I feel it is hard to resolve a conflict when you're busy trying to run away and hide!

    The process of conflict management helps, being self aware helps as it helps you to control your emotions and keep your professionalism.

    Thoughts anyone?

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