Data Security in Your Team

Protecting Your Electronic and Online Assets

It's your duty to help keep your organization's network safe.

Imagine this nightmare scenario. You receive an email from a client, which contains an attachment – an order form that he wants you to look at right away. It's late, and you've got whole bunch of stuff to do, but you want to keep your client happy. You open the file.

Almost immediately, you know that something is wrong. The attachment isn't an order. Nothing seems to happen when you click on it. And, now that you look at it, the email address doesn't seem right, either.

In fact, with just one click of the mouse, your network has been infected by a virus that is busily stealing email addresses and other important data, potentially costing your organization millions of dollars in lawsuits, and causing irreparable damage to its reputation.

It could happen. It does happen. But it doesn't have to.

In this article, we examine the basics of data security, and explore how you can keep your data – and your customers' data – safe.


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