Building an Effective Team Video

Video Transcript

Take these common-sense steps to build and maintain an effective team

When you think of a perfect team, what comes to mind?

You might imagine a situation where everyone brings their best to the table, no one bickers or plays politics, and the group is able to work seamlessly as a whole unit.

For many leaders, this would be an ideal scenario. But how can you achieve this?

Much of the time, the most effective teams don't just "happen." They work well because of good planning and preparation.

Start by defining your team's GOAL. What is its purpose, and what are your expectations? Write this down in a team charter, and make sure everyone understands the role they play.

Next, make sure you have the right people in place. You need individuals with the right technical skills. But you should also look for good team behaviors, such as a positive attitude, emotional intelligence, and a collaborative spirit.

Once you've assembled your team, conduct a Training Needs Assessment to identify any knowledge or skills gaps. Many organizations only offer training when a group first forms but keep in mind that your team will be more effective if you offer ONGOING development opportunities.

When it comes to motivating your team, take time to understand what makes each individual tick. Some people might be driven by a bonus check, while others may be motivated by recognition and a heart-felt "thank-you."

When you can offer rewards that appeal to each person, you're more likely to get the best out of them.

Most managers would love to build a truly effective team. And it's definitely possible, when you plan ahead. To learn more about how to do this, see the article that accompanies this video.

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