Giving Feedback Video

Video Transcript

Watch this video to learn how to give feedback effectively.

When you give feedback to members of your team, is it a positive process, or is it one that everyone dreads?

Feedback is an essential part of a person's learning and growth, and none of us can fully develop without it. But how well you give feedback affects people's morale and confidence, as well as their ability to improve. So how can you make it a more positive experience?

First, make sure it's timely. When there's a specific issue or concern you need to talk about, try to do it soon after the event. This way, it's fresh on people's minds, and you can give specific advice that's relevant and immediate.

Next, give feedback in private. It's one thing to praise someone publicly, but it's quite different to criticize them in front of their peers.

As you're talking to the other person, use "I" statements. This communicates your perspective and helps you avoid any questionable judgments about their character or motives. For instance, you might say, "I was upset and hurt that you showed up late to yesterday's meeting," instead of saying, "Showing up late yesterday was insensitive."

Also, try to keep your feedback focused on two issues or fewer. Any more than that, and the other person might feel attacked, which will affect their confidence and morale.

Feedback is an important part of learning, and it can be a positive and constructive experience if you know how to do it with finesse. To learn more about how to give feedback effectively, see the article that accompanies this video.

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