7 Ways to Improve Your Memory Video

Video Transcript

Do you have the memory of an elephant or a goldfish?

Do you find it difficult to remember important facts and figures? Or have you ever forgotten someone's name at the worst possible moment?

The ability to recall information is an important work skill, and people with good memories are often seen as smart, competent and dependable.

In this video, we'll look at seven practical things you can do to improve your memory.

A healthy brain is the basis for a good memory. Make sure your diet contains all the key vitamins, including folic acid and vitamin B12.

Stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep, and reduce stress with relaxation techniques, like deep breathing and mindfulness.

Just like the rest of your body, your brain needs regular exercise. You can exercise your brain by using it in different ways, on a regular basis.

Try a new activity or hobby that requires skills you don't normally use. If, for instance, you work with numbers, develop your creative side with, maybe, art classes or photography.

Mind Maps or Mnemonics are great tools that can help you to package the information you want to remember into a "map" or a list.

Mapping your ideas out can help you to "see" connections firsthand. This technique is useful if you need to summarize or combine information from a variety of sources.

If it's a list of items you need to remember, try using a mnemonic instead. There are a number of different mnemonic techniques you can use, which you can find out more about in the article that accompanies this video.

Memory is closely associated with imagery. Regularly using visualization techniques can help you to increase your ability to recall images.

Keep active socially. When you communicate and interact with other people, you have to be alert, and your brain activity increases.

You can't possibly remember everything, so choose the things that matter the most. Don't overload your brain with useless information!

And finally, try playing a memory game. Sudoku, chess, trivia games, pair matching, and puzzles are all popular ways to flex your memory, while having fun.

To learn more about improving your memory, read the article that accompanies this video.

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  • Over a month ago Yolande wrote
    Your memory needs to be trained and challenged to stay strong - just like your muscles. If we don't exercise, our muscles atrophy and lose strength. If we don't train and use our memories, they will also lose strength and not be as "sharp" as they could or should be.
    Just a word about sleep: I have a naturally/genetically good memory, but if I've skimped on the number of hours I sleep for a few nights in a row, I find that my memory isn't quite as sharp as it normally is. Your brain needs the rest to get rid of neurotoxins that it builds up during the day. Just as your legs need rest after a day of walking, your brain needs to rest after every day because it worked hard to keep you alive.