Avoiding Micromanagement Video

Video Transcript

Learn how to stop micromanaging your people, in this short video.

Managers need to focus on detail. But micromanagers take this to the extreme. Over time, this can be really demoralizing for their team members.

The most successful managers, on the other hand, avoid micromanagement – they find just the right balance between empowering their people, and staying aware of what everyone is doing.

So, how can you tell if you're a micromanager?

One sign is that you have trouble delegating tasks to others.

Another sign is that when you do delegate, you can't help but oversee every aspect of the task.

Also, you might not allow team members to make even small decisions without your approval.

The good news is, is that there are plenty of strategies that you can use to stop micromanaging people.

One is to delegate more tasks to people on your team. Delegation might be difficult at first, so start slowly – pick one or two easy tasks that you normally handle yourself, and pass these on to someone who's well suited for the job.

Then set specific times to check in with this person so that you can monitor progress and answer questions. But remember – this doesn't mean that you check in every few minutes to see how they're getting on!

The first time you delegate a task, you may spend longer managing it than you would do doing it yourself. But once you've delegated it to the right person, you'll never have to do that task again.

When you stop micromanaging, you give your people more freedom and control over their work. This will boost their morale, and help them to learn and grow.

Now, read the article that accompanies this video, and learn more ways to avoid micromanagement.

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Comments (5)
  • Over a month ago Midgie wrote
    Hi Sam,
    I'm with you in that by giving employees lots of room, they will step up to the challenges and that Mircomanagement can lower employees effeciency I personally really dislike being micro-managed and it's a downwards spiral for me if I am!

    I tend to use a coach-like approach to help people learn, grow and develop ... and come up with the answers themselves. Yet, have found that with some individuals, due to a variety of reasons including lack of confidence in their skills and abilities, they want the more directive style of management. It can take some time to help them develop their confidence so they do not need as much micro managing!

    Has anyone else come across employees who want to be micro-managed and how did you deal with it?

  • Over a month ago sam_dubai wrote
    Hi All,

    Mircomanagement can lower employees effeciency. When I became a manager I started to give my small team a lot of room. My question is how do you know you have struck the right balance between avoiding mircomanagement but still managing them properly? I notice that I don't have scheduled periodic meetings with my team.
  • Over a month ago Helena wrote
    Hi All

    I've chosen our article on Avoiding Micromanagement to be our Featured Favorite this week because it's such an easy habit for managers and supervisors to slip into. But it also sucks the creativity out of yoru people, and uses up all of the time you've freed up for yoruself by delegating to others in the first place!

    Click on the link below to find out the tell-tale signs of micromanagement, and how to overcome it.

    Best wishes

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