Working With Millennials Video

Video Transcript

Millennials have a lot to offer. Learn their key values to get the most from them.

Millennials (Generation Y) used to be the new, unruly and uncommitted kids on the block. But they have valuable skills and a mindset that can galvanize your organization.

These digital natives now make up the majority of the modern workforce. Generation Y covers a broad age range: from those born in the early 1980s to the late '90s. They also have a wide scope of experience. To get the best from Millennials it helps to understand their key traits and values.

1. Autonomy

Millennials want control over where, when and how they work. So, avoid micro-managing them. Instead, offer flexible working to satisfy their need for good work-life balance.

2. Mastery

Millennials are tech-savvy, so they are used to learning and working quickly and flexibly. Encourage their creativity and desire to learn new skills.

3. Collaboration

Generation Y's open-minded and collaborative approach makes them great team players. They appreciate constructive feedback and honest communication.

4. Purpose

Many Millennials will prioritize job satisfaction and purpose over financial gain. Highlight the value that their work has in and outside of the organization.

5. Development

Gen Y professionals are keen learners. Provide them with opportunities to develop and you will not only keep them motivated but you will also benefit from a highly skilled and experienced team.

Millennials have a lot to offer. With open and honest communication you can create the right environment to help them flourish.

To learn more about millennials in the workplace, see the article that accompanies this video.

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