Personal SWOT Analysis Video

Video Transcript

Learn how to conduct a personal SWOT Analysis.

SWOT Analysis is a tool that many businesses use as part of developing their strategies.

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and it helps organizations think about what they should and shouldn't be doing. You can use this framework on a personal level as well, to spot opportunities that you didn't know existed, and to identify problems or circumstances that might have a negative effect on your career.

To perform a Personal SWOT Analysis, first think about your strengths. What advantages do you have that others don't? What do other people say you do better than anyone else? What skills and experience do you have that make you unique?

List as many of these as you can.

Next, think about and list your weaknesses. What tasks do you avoid because you don't feel confident doing them? What are some of your negative work habits? For instance, are you often late to work, or do you have a short temper?

What do other people see as your weaknesses? Ask them – you might be surprised!

Now it's time to identify and write down opportunities. Is there a way you could create an opportunity for yourself by taking advantage of one of your strengths, or by eliminating one of your weaknesses? Also, look at your organization. Is something happening in the future that could be an opportunity for you?

Next, you need to list the threats that might be standing in the way of your dreams and goals. What obstacles are you facing at work? What problems could your weaknesses cause, if you don't address them? Are any of your colleagues competing with you for projects or a promotion?

Finally, look at each of the four lists you created, and decide what actions you're going to take to minimize threats, and take best advantage of the opportunities open to you. Add these to your Action Program or to-do list.

Now, read the article that accompanies this video, and learn more ways to uncover strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

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Comments (9)
  • Over a month ago Yolande wrote
    Hi Vdattatr

    I find your observation interesting. Knowing available opportunities and focusing on them will indeed help us move forward. The interesting thing about threats is that they can often open up our possibility thinking. So instead of being problem focused you become more solution focused which also leads to growth.

    It would be interesting to know some of the opportunities and threats you've identified (only if you feel comfortable to share).

    Kind regards
  • Over a month ago Vdattatr wrote
    What I liked most is OT , in my personal experience those two really adding values
  • Over a month ago Midgie wrote
    Hi Vdattatr,
    Glad you liked the article.

    I agree with you that the way to keep the versatility and flexibility is through repeated exposure to different situations / scenarios and trying out different things. Over time, we may try one thing or another and pick up little bits of ideas and ways of doing things. So, when faced with yet another new situations, we have lots of ideas and resources to draw upon.

    Have you recently done a personal SWOT analysis and in what context did you do it in? How did it help?

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