The Reframing Matrix Video

Video Transcript

This three-step approach can help you to reframe problems and solve them creatively.

When you're stuck on a problem, it often helps to look at it from a different perspective. The Reframing Matrix is a tool that helps you to do just that, and you can use the resulting insights to generate creative solutions.

The Reframing Matrix is very easy to use. All you need to get started is a pen and a piece of paper.

Start by drawing a simple four-square grid.

Leave a space in the middle of the grid, and write the problem you want to explore in this space.

Next, decide on four different perspectives to use in your matrix, and allocate one square to each perspective.

In this video, we'll look at the 4Ps Approach and the Professions Approach, but you can choose any set of perspectives that may be relevant to your business.

The 4Ps Approach helps you look at problems from the perspectives of Product, Planning, Potential, and People.

For the Product perspective, ask yourself questions like: Is there something wrong with the product or service? Is it priced correctly? How well does it serve the market?

For the Planning perspective, ask: How could we improve our business plans, our marketing plans, or our strategy?

For the Potential perspective, think about how you could increase sales or productivity. What would happen if you doubled your targets?

And for the People perspective, ask yourself: What impact does this problem have on our stakeholders, or our customers?

The Professions Approach helps you look at the problem from the viewpoints of four different specialists, or different stakeholders.

For example, a doctor would see the problem in a different way from a civil engineer or a lawyer. And the way a CEO would look at a problem is different from the way an HR manager would look at it.

This approach can be especially useful when you need to step away from your usual way of thinking.

Brainstorm your problem from each of the four different points of view you've identified, and write down your results in the corresponding quadrant of the matrix.

This will give you a broader understanding of your problem, and help you to consider a range of potential solutions.

To learn more about The Reframing Matrix, read the article that accompanies this video.

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