10 Ways to Become a Star Team Player Video

Video Transcript

Gain a reputation as an exceptional team member.

Becoming a star team player can benefit you, your team and your organization. So here are 10 ways you can become an exceptional team member:

  1. Set an example to others by "bringing your A game."
  2. Use your strengths to help members of your team.
  3. Share your positive energy with your team to boost mood and morale.
  4. Put the needs of your team before your own.
  5. Connect with, care for and communicate with your colleagues.
  6. Work on building up strong relationships.
  7. Encourage people to take responsibility for themselves.
  8. Be humble and show a willingness to learn and improve.
  9. Be a good listener.
  10. Be open to feedback and to exploring alternatives.

If you want to learn more about how you can become an exceptional team player, read the article here.

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