How to Start Your Day Video

Video Transcript

Start your day the right way, with these simple strategies.

Even dedicated, conscientious people struggle to "get going" in the mornings.

Research shows that biology determines whether you're a "lark" or an "owl."

If you're more of an owl than a lark, don't worry. Here are six simple strategies to put a morning spring in your step!

1. Wake Up at the Same Time Every Day

Are you constantly hitting the snooze button on your alarm? Help your body to fall into a natural sleep routine by setting a fixed wake-up time. You'll likely feel more energized and won't dread the sound of your alarm!

2. Eat Breakfast

If you're not a "morning person" then you may require more energy. A healthy breakfast can give your body the fuel it needs to get you through the day.

3. Invigorate Your Mind and Body

Whether it's going for an early run, walking to work, or listening to music, a great way to ditch morning grogginess is to get fresh air and stimulate your brain.

4. Ease Yourself Into Work

Give yourself time to get into a "work mindset." Simply making a hot drink or a To-Do List can be enough to kick your brain into gear.

5. Know Yourself

Make the most of your natural energy levels and plan your day accordingly. For example, if you don't hit your stride until the afternoon, save intensive tasks for later in the day.

6. Catch Up With Your Team

If you're struggling to stay energized, connect with your co-workers. Tuning into their energy can give you a much-needed boost!

Having a routine that works for you is essential. With the right strategies in place, you can turn even the most unwelcome mornings into a highly productive part of your day!

For more tips on How to Start Your Day, read the article that accompanies this video.

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Comments (2)
  • Over a month ago BillT wrote
    Hi darlic,

    There are many opinions on what's a healthy breakfast, so reviewing some of the official government healthy eating websites might be a good start. Personally I like full English, but that's just a bad habit LOL

    Mind Tools Team
  • Over a month ago darlic wrote
    great article what would you says a healthy breakfast?i find rising early,i love photography,so for me,get out in nature.