8 Ways to Add Value to Meetings Video

Video Transcript

Use these eight tips to make your meetings engaging, effective and enjoyable.

We spend almost 20 percent of time at work in meetings. So, it's essential that we do our best to create a collaborative atmosphere where effective decisions can be made.

Here are eight ways you can do this:

  1. Be selective. Only go to meetings where you have something to offer. This will help you to focus your time and energy where it's needed most.
  2. Consider alternative locations. Meeting in the same dingy room every week can sap your energy. Why not regain your enthusiasm by suggesting a change of scenery? This will help to spark creative thinking.
  3. Prepare! Before the meeting starts, do some research. Are there any important insights you could add? Or questions you'll need to raise?
  4. Identify your role. Are you at the meeting to support your colleagues? To offer a critique? Or, to present an idea? Clarifying your role will keep you focused and productive.
  5. Play to your strengths. If you don't like being the center of attention, contribute by writing up an analysis. Or, if you're outgoing, speak up and get the conversation flowing.
  6. Help others to be heard. If you see a colleague being ignored, steer the attention back to her. Ask her a question or invite her to share her opinion.
  7. Use positive body language. Sit up straight, unfold your arms, and smile! This will show that you're open to new ideas and ready to listen.
  8. Take notes. Keep a record of what's been agreed. This will help you to turn the ideas discussed into positive action.

To learn more about how to add value to meetings, read the article here.

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