7 Reasons Why Change Can Fail

Video Transcript

Creating a compelling reason for change is just one way to ensure success!

There's a lot to get right for change to succeed.

From getting people on board to following through on your commitment to change.

But identifying potential pitfalls in the change process can help you to avoid some common mistakes.

So, let's take a look at seven reasons why change can fail:

  1. It's not compelling. You need to have a clear, compelling reason for people to change. Otherwise, they won't care whether you succeed or not. So, convince people that it's urgent and important.
  2. It's not required. Change cannot be an option. If people think they have a choice, they'll likely stick to the status quo. So, make it a requirement.
  3. It's not communicated well. If you don't explain why the change is necessary people may question it, or worse, forget about it entirely. So, remind them of the benefits regularly.
  4. It doesn't involve the right people. Leaders are important in times of change, but so are many others. Identify people who will be most affected by the change and those who will champion it. By involving them both in the change process, you'll more likely succeed.
  5. Implementation is poorly planned. Take some time to work out the details. How will it impact people? What's your contingency plan if things go wrong?
  6. Success takes too long. Success is a great motivator. So, identify some quick wins to boost morale.
  7. There's too little follow-through. Change creates lots of buzz and excitement early on. But this can soon fade. Keep the momentum going by assigning a passionate project manager. Bring in new people from across the business to keep things fresh. And be sure to celebrate key milestones. This will help people stay committed right through to the end.

To learn more about why change can fail and how to make it more effective, read the article that accompanies this video.

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