How to Build Great Work Relationships

Video Transcript

Do you put in enough time to build relationships at work?

It's important to develop good relationships at work. They improve happiness, trust and engagement. Here are five ways to build strong, positive relationships at work! 

  1. Schedule time to build relationships. Pop over to a colleague's desk, offer a coffee, or reply to a social media post. Devote time to building relationships, even if it's just a few minutes a day.
  2. Develop your emotional intelligence. Understanding your own emotional needs can help you to empathize with others.
  3. Appreciate others. Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Whether it's the CEO or the janitor, show your appreciation by complimenting a job well done.
  4. Manage your boundaries. Building friendships is important. But if a relationship becomes distracting, it's important to take action. Set clear boundaries around when and where it's acceptable to socialize.
  5. Avoid gossiping. If you are experiencing conflict with a colleague, gossiping will only make the problem worse. Instead, talk directly to the person involved and find a way to work together amicably.

It's true that not every work relationship will be great. But taking the time to build positive relationships can transform your working life.

Discover more tips and advice on developing good working relationships by reading the full article at Mind Tools.

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  • Over a month ago BillT wrote
    Hi charles1972,

    Thank you for that feedback,

    Mind Tools Team
  • Over a month ago charles1972 wrote
    Succinctly great